


Become A Millionaire - Stop Smoking

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작성일 23-10-25 13:07


So you wish to be a millionaire? If you smoke or are believing about it - I will offer you at least $1 million factors not to begin. For the sake of discussion, I am going to utilize me as an example. I have smoked for over 20 years and honestly I enjoyed it. It wasn t until I lastly got it through my head about the health risks to me, my family and the increasing costs that I lastly decided to stop.

You all know or ought to understand about the health risks and I will not rehash it. What I want to talk with you about is the monetary effect. I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day and on a great Friday night out on the town it might in some cases be as much as 3 packs.

Ok. here it comes. Two packs of cigarettes per day at an average cost of $3.50 per pack multiplied by seven days equals $49.00 weekly or $2555.00 for one year. Now lets take a teenager at age 18 who starts to smoke and lets likewise assume they were to stop at age 65 on retirement which is 47 years. 47 years x $2555.00 = $120,085.00 invested in cigarettes at todays rates.

Now a hundred and twenty thousand dollars remains in itself not enough to make you rich however you could purchase some pretty nice things for that amount. The magic is in a little thing called compound interest. Assuming that instead of smoking cigarettes - You took that exact same two packs each day or 7 dollars and invested it in a shared fund. Let s also assume that you invested it in an index mutual fund which over the life time of the stock exchange has actually balanced 10% each year. After 47 years you would retire with $2,730,489.02. That practically $3 Million dollars. How Much Are Esco Bars is that for a reward to not smoke?

What about the rest of us who have smoked for 20 plus years? A male or woman who gave up at age 40 under the exact same circumstance who save $282,615.51. Now that s not a million dollars however it would still buy a pretty great house. What is even more astounding is that these figures are based upon today s costs and don t even represent inflation over the very same quantity of time.

Even if you are not interested in investing the cash conserved from cigarette smoking then think of this: $2555.00 applied one time each year to a $200,000.00 mortgage would cut 10 years off of a 30 year loan. You would be paying your home off in one-third the time.

The bottom line: If your health and household aren t enough to make you stop - Think about why your not living next door to the popular and abundant. I hope this provides you food for believed about all the extras in life you are offering up by smoking cigarettes.